Patricia Intuitive Tarot reader

We all have our own unique gifts that are brought forth from the depths of our souls, led and guided by our angels and spirit guides. We all share our gifts in different ways, and we are all special in our own intriguing way. We all have something incredible to offer the world with our individualities, but the journey to healing and unlocking our spiritual gifts can be dark, lonely, and painful. It may take years, but is ultimately rewarded with self-acceptance, enlightenment, and unconditional love.

As a healer, I have also experienced this rebirth, like the Phoenix rising from the ashes to awaken and activate my gifts, which I inherited from my past lives and ancestors. As I continue on my journey, I am constantly discovering new gifts and talents. The possibilities are limitless, allowing me to expand my services and share them with the world.

To know more about my journey of rising and becoming, check out my interviews;

Voyage Dallas Magazine


Patricia light worker energy healer

“We’re all just walking each other home.”

— Ram Dass

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